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GSPIA Students of Color Alliance Wins Inaugural Award

  • Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

John Wallace Named Interim Director of the Center on Race and Social Problems, New Initiative Announced

  • Center on Race and Social Problems
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
A panther statue

Ryan McDermott received $300K from the National Endowment for the Humanities

The funding will support the associate professor of English's project on the origins of modernity.

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Department of English
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences

University Library System Releases New Journal Issue on Telehealth

If you visited a doctor by video chat during the pandemic, you had an experience with the field known as telehealth or telemedicine. Pitt’s University Library System (ULS) recently published a new

A portrait of Geovette Washington

Geovette Washington was elected chair of the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh board of trustees

The University's senior vice chancellor and chief legal officer joined the board in 2017 and was named vice chair earlier this year.

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Our City/Our Campus

Pitt Leaps Eight Spots in Worldwide Patent Ranking

The University of Pittsburgh made a significant move up the list of the top recipients of U.S. utility patents among worldwide universities in 2020, according to the National Academy of Inventors and

Anette Nance (SOC WK ’20) Named to Governor’s Advisory Commission on African American Affairs

Master of Social Work Alumna Anette Nance (SOC WK ’20) has been sworn in as commissioner on Gov. Wolf’s Advisory Commission on African American Affairs (GACAAA). The commission was established in 2015

  • School of Social Work
a building with large windows reflecting blue sky

William Wagner and Savio Woo are inducted to International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering

To date, there are fewer than 250 fellows of the academy throughout the world.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Swanson School of Engineering
  • McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Receives NSF Grant for Nerve Cell Research

  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • Department of Neuroscience

Company Has ‘Largest IPO’ Out of Any Pitt Spinout

  • School of Medicine
  • Innovation Institute
  • Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

Acting Honors College Dean Audrey Murrell Interviewed on Food Insecurity

  • David C. Frederick Honors College
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business
  • Department of Psychology