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LifeX Labs Accepting Applications for Free Accelerator Program
The accelerator is a free, three-month immersive program for a cohort of pre-incorporation or recently incorporated life sciences ventures. The deadline to apply is Jan. 22, 2021.
Building Access Enhancements Launched This Week
Business and Operations rolled out streamlined features for the Authority to Operate (ATO) system on Jan. 4, including a simplified access request process and enhanced email confirmations.
Manners Awards Open for Letters of Intent
The Stephen D. Manners Faculty Development Award grants are intended to support pilot research that has the potential to lead to larger, externally funded projects of interest to local and national
Public Comments Sought for Temporary Signage Policy
Pitt students, faculty and staff can participate in reviewing draft policy and providing feedback during the comment period.
Faculty and Staff COVID-19 At-Home Tests Available Through Quest
Order a test if you are faculty or staff and have been identified as a close contact through exposure to someone who has COVID-19, are working in an area identified as a localized outbreak on campus
Travel the World (Virtually) with the Nationality Rooms
Pitt’s Nationality Rooms are offering a series of ethnic and cultural videos on the program’s Facebook page. An effort that’s grown from various Nationality Room committees, the videos highlight