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Volunteer for an Upcoming Clinic on Campus
There’s still a need for about 10-15 people to volunteer in both clinical and nonclinical roles at vaccine clinics at the Petersen Events Center this week.
A Framework for Pitt’s Future
A draft framework for the next Plan for Pitt is now available for students, faculty, staff and all Pitt community members to review and share feedback.
Pitt Students Wanted For Interview On Campus Sexual Misconduct Victimization and Resources
Are you an undergraduate student at Pitt who identities as both female and as Black/African American? If so, you are invited to participate in a research study about dating and sexual relationships.
Ivet Bahar Receives Congratulations from Consul General of the Republic of Turkey on Her Election to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Bahar is the first female member of the academy from Turkey, and the Turkish official visited Pitt earlier this month to commemorate her achievement.
Six Pitt Students Finalists for Critical Language Scholarship
Six finalists for the U.S. Department of State’s 2021 Critical Language Scholarship are students at the University of Pittsburgh—five undergraduate and one graduate. The finalists are: Nathan Aaron