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Experts Leading Charge for National Disability Employment Awareness Month

The National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebrates 75 years of building awareness of creating opportunity as well as the accomplishments of people with disabilities in the workplace.

The University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion invites you to attend two panel discussions on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 28 and 29, from noon to 1:30 p.m. both days. The events are titled, “NDEAM at 75: Employment of People with Disabilities – Progress to Date and Future Directions,” and “Pitt Perspectives on Employment for Individuals with Disabilities: The Importance of Employer Practices and Workplace Climate,” respectively.

“NDEAM at 75” will be led by Rory Cooper, Distinguished Professor in Pitt’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. The discussion includes individuals who are making a difference in employment for people with disabilities on a national level.

“Employment is key to building a life for most people. It provides income, as sense of identity and contributes to society as whole. People with disabilities have a lot to offer and NDEAM helps to celebrate the contributions of people with disabilities to the workplace, and remind everyone of the need to increase opportunities for people with disabilities,” said Cooper, who is also director of the Human Engineering Research Laboratories at Pitt.

“Pitt Perspectives” will feature University students, faculty and staff discussing some of the challenges, opportunities and successes with navigating the work setting for individuals with disabilities and share ways in which employers can foster a disability inclusive workplace.

Registration for both events is free and open until each event begins.