  • Faculty
Announcements and Updates

Apply by March 25 for Jewish Studies Grants

The University’s Jewish Studies interdisciplinary program in the School of Arts and Sciences has announced funding availability for both students and faculty, with applications due March 25.

Research and travel grants

Available to both faculty and undergraduate and graduate students, these grants are available in amounts up to $10,000.

Learn more about grants available for faculty.

Learn more about grants for students.

Course development grants

The program also has funds available for creating new courses or significantly revamping existing courses that have Jewish Studies content. Preference will be given to courses that can count toward the Jewish Studies certificate.

Grants up to $15,000 are available and can be used for library research, library acquisitions, travel, student assistance and other expenses; additionally, the funds may be used for guest speakers or other co-curricular endeavors during the first offering of the new or revised course.

Learn more about the course development grants.