Features & Articles

Pittwire Debuts as University News Source

Welcome to Pittwire.

Pittwire is the official news source of the University of Pittsburgh, devoted to telling the story of Pitt and its people by delivering the most strategically significant and engaging news of the University.

Anyone may subscribe to Pittwire, a free service. Pittwire is delivered to subscribers via email and its content is featured on the University’s website and shared through social media. The Pittwire email is delivered daily except for University holidays and breaks during fall and spring semesters, with a reduced schedule dictated by demand during the summer.

Pittwire showcases personal stories, discoveries, successes, campus improvements and milestones of progress associated with the University’s strategic aims, described in The Plan for Pitt.

To share feedback or ideas for potential stories, send suggestions via pittwire [at] pitt.edu (email) to the Pittwire staff. Representatives from the news media are welcomed to use material from stories featured in Pittwire and can receive more information by contacting communications professionals at addresses offered at the end of each story.

Pittwire stories and features can easily be shared on social media or through email. Printable versions of articles are also available.