Features & Articles

Peruse 2018’s Popular Stories

Cathedral in a skyline as day fades to night
Throughout 2018, the Pittwire staff told the stories of academic achievements, community partnerships and groundbreaking research University of Pittsburgh — all achieved by a diverse array of students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Pittwire readers checked in regularly to peruse the articles, photo galleries and videos that tell the ongoing story of Pitt’s success. Here’s a sampling of the most popular pages of the year.

The most-read story featured a pair of rankings that showcased Pitt as the best public value in Pennsylvania and the best public university in the Northeast.

Full of personality and Pitt connections, Pittwire’s story featuring three members of the University’s incoming class — triplets related to the architect of the Cathedral of Learning — captured another of the top-ranked spots.

Have a Pittwire story idea?

Pittwire publishes stories about Pitt and its people that will interest the public at large. If a story would intrigue a reader halfway around the world as well as one right here at Pitt, we want to hear about it.

Contact Managing Editor Jolie Williamson at jolie [at] pitt.edu (subject: Pittwire%20story%20idea)  or Senior Editor Robyn K. Coggins at roj11 [at] pitt.edu (subject: Pittwire%20story%20idea) . For more information about the staff at Pittwire or other media relations needs, visit our team’s website.

The venerable Hillman Library began a reinvention in its 50th year, and readers gravitated to this story about the new student spaces, teaching tools, tech equipment, data visualization lab, accessible research and archive and special collection projects.

Pittwire’s Innovation & Research category gets more views than any other, and the most-viewed story of the section delved into the development of new national guidelines to help emergency and shift workers combat fatigue on the job.

The interest in the University’s commitment to Pittsburgh and the surrounding community showed in the popularity among Pittwire readers of the story of Pitt’s first Community Engagement Center, which opened in the city’s Homewood neighborhood in October.

Click through the categories at the top of the Pittwire homepage for hundreds more stories about Pitt and its people, and check out the Accolades section for bite-sized celebrations of successes around the University. The full-featured calendar, introduced in 2018, gives a look at events across the Pitt community and the In the Headlines section features links to stories from national and international news outlets that told the University’s story throughout the year.

Cheers to a great year, and thanks for reading. We’ll be back in 2019 with more outstanding stories from Pitt.