Accolades & Honors

University Interfaith Office Receives Youth Core Award

The University Interfaith Office was recognized with the Racial Equity and Interfaith Cooperation Award from the Interfaith Youth Core, a national non-profit organization whose “We Are Each Other’s” campaign aims to support interfaith leaders responding to the current national crises.

The office was recognized for “Interfaith in Living Color,” an idea proposal that Emiola Oriola, director of the Office of Interfaith Dialogue and Engagement, hopes will emphasize the complexities of people’s lives and how identities intersect.

“The goal is to have people submit short written stories with pictures, similar to the ‘Humans of New York’ projects on Facebook and Instagram,” said Oriola. “The project is meant to highlight the nuances in our identities, the why to our what, and bring context to content.”

The program is planned to begin Monday, Jan. 18, 2021—coinciding with the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday—and will continue through February’s Black History Month. In addition to being shared on social media, the stories will be archived on a website, and participants will be entered into a raffle to win prizes from the office.