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Accolades & Honors

Thomas Freitag won a top scholarship for LGBTQ+ STEM undergraduates


Thomas Freitag won the top undergraduate National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP) Out to Innovate scholarship. The $5,000 scholarships are intended for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering or mathematics programs who are part of or an active ally of the LGBTQ+ community.

Freitag is in their third year at Pitt, double majoring in neuroscience and psychology with minors in chemistry and social work. After graduation, they plan to pursue a medical degree and a master’s in public health. They intend to work in psychiatry and public health policy focusing on issues affecting LGBTQ+ and associated communities and to conduct research on health disparities among underprivileged communities.

Freitag’s achievement follows a summer interning with the City of Philadelphia’s Office of LGBT Affairs. Freitag received a David C. Frederick Public Service Internship Award, which provides a stipend so students with an interest in leadership and community service can pursue unpaid public service internships. As an intern with the City of Philadelphia, Freitag helped craft groundbreaking legislation to make tax documents gender-neutral, which removed barriers and will help to streamline legal proceedings.