  • School of Social Work
  • School of Education
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • Department of Psychology
  • Center on Race and Social Problems
  • Center for Urban Education
Accolades & Honors

Shannon Wanless Co-Authors Book Chapter on Children and Racism

Shannon Wanless, director of the Office of Child Development in the School of Education, co-authored a chapter in an upcoming book, “The Legacy of Racism for Children.”

The book explores “the challenges that racial minority children face due to racism within US law and public policy,” and the interdisciplinary nature of the book’s context is meant for an audience of scholars and practitioners within psychology, sociology, social work, education, the legal system, criminal justice, public policy and race studies.

Wanless’ chapter focuses on the racial disproportionality in the school to prison pipeline. In it, she cites research by Pitt scholars past and present, with connections to the Center for Urban Education, School of Social Work, the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Psychology, the School of Education and the Center on Race and Social Problems.

The book will be available on July 1, and it is currently available for pre-order.