  • Swanson School of Engineering
  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Accolades & Honors

Graduate Student Michael Sullivan Wins Hammond Scholarship

Michael Sullivan (ENGR '19), a master’s student in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, has been selected to receive this year’s Siemens Peter Hammond Scholarship for $10,000. 

The annual scholarship, which is in its fourth year, was open to any student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Swanson School.

Before attending the Swanson School, Sullivan worked for a decade as an electrician, where he was first introduced to the field of electrical engineering. Excited to learn of a career path so well suited to his curiosity about how things work, he pursued a bachelor’s degree at Pitt. Once he finishes his master’s degree in 2021, he plans to become a research engineer and work part-time toward a PhD.