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Introducing the University Center for International Studies’ interim co-directors

The entrance to Pitt's Global Hub

The University of Pittsburgh has named two interim co-directors for the University Center for International Studies (UCIS).

Allyson Delnore, who currently serves as the executive director of academic affairs in UCIS, has agreed to serve as interim executive director of UCIS. Jeff Whitehead, currently executive director of global engagement in UCIS, will serve as interim executive director of Pitt Global. They will begin effective Oct. 15.

Delnore previously served as associate director for the European Studies Center for 10 years, including three terms as interim director of that center. She now oversees the seven global, area and thematic academic centers under UCIS, as well as the Global Hub. Prior to coming to Pitt, she was an assistant professor of history at Mississippi State University. Her research interests revolve around 19th century French imperial and penal policies and practices. Her recent work examines the creation and evolution of European and Area Studies in higher education. She holds a PhD from the University of Virginia.

Whitehead previously served as director of the Study Abroad, then the Global Experiences Office, for 13 years. He currently oversees the units within global engagement, including the Global Experiences Office, the Office of International Services, Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs, Global Risk and more. Whitehead is a three-time Pitt graduate, with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and history as well as two master’s degrees in public and international affairs and business administration.

The leaders and their expertise will ensure seamless continuity after the departure of Ariel C. Armony, who was named provost and executive vice president at Babson College in July. Armony’s leadership shaped and elevated Pitt’s global character and status. To continue to build on that momentum, Office of the Provost and Faculty Senate leadership will establish a search advisory committee to consider the current structure of Pitt’s global efforts and programming and make a recommendation about the most appropriate structure for the center’s continued leadership, as well as to support achieving Pitt’s global aspirations as articulated within the Plan for Pitt 2028.