  • Technology & Science
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Discipline-Based Science Education Research Center (dB-SERC)
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
Accolades & Honors

13 faculty members received leader awards from the Discipline-based Science Education Research Center

The top of the Cathedral is visible behind Hillman Library

Thirteen faculty members in the natural sciences departments in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences were recently awarded the Discipline-based Science Education Research Center (dB-SERC) Leader Award. This yearly award recognizes and celebrates their valuable contributions to the dB-SERC faculty learning community and their active participation in many dB-SERC events during the last academic year.

These faculty members have played a key role in the dB-SERC weekly lunch discussions about innovative approaches to teaching and learning in the natural sciences. The dB-SERC promotes and supports evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning in the natural sciences departments at the University of Pittsburgh. In addition to workshops and special events, the dB-SERC faculty learning community gives the faculty members opportunity to share their course transformation projects involving evidence-based approaches which helps everyone who is part of this community contemplate, adopt and adapt scholarly approaches to teaching and learning. The center strives to help Pitt be a national leader in evidence-based instruction in the natural sciences.

The 2017-18 winners are:

  • Danielle Andrews-Brown, Geology and Environmental Science
  • Meghan Bechman, Biological Sciences
  • Sean Garrett-Roe, Chemistry
  • Joe Grabowski, Chemistry
  • Kirill Kiselyov, Biological Sciences
  • Barbara Kucinski, Psychology
  • Jim Mueller, Physics and Astronomy
  • David Nero, Physics and Astronomy
  • Kim Payne, Biological Sciences
  • Welkin Pope, Biological Sciences
  • Jackie Powell, Chemistry
  • Katie Sinagoga, Biological Sciences
  • Kyle Whitinghill, Geology and Environmental Science