Cómo el Centro de Desarrollo de Empresas, SBDC por sus siglas en Inglés, ayudan a los emprendedores que hablan Español

La población hispana de Pittsburgh es pequeña pero está creciendo. Brent Rondón se dio cuenta que ellos necesitaban ayuda.  

How Pitt’s Small Business Development Center supports Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs

Pittsburgh’s Hispanic population is small but growing. Brent Rondon saw that they needed support.

This Central Oakland house is actually an innovative lab for aging in place

Pitt’s Healthy Home Lab aims to create new ways for a growing population of older adults to better their health and retain mobility and independence at home.

Meet Pitt’s United Way campaign manager

Two-time breast cancer survivor Kelly Gilliam views the University’s campaign as an extension of her life’s mission to make a difference.

How to stay mindful in the face of seasonal stress

Whether you’re dealing with finals or holiday chaos, follow this advice from Pitt Psychology Research Assistant Professor Emily Lindsay.