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Undergraduates Learn Alongside Inmates in Pilot Year of Prison Education Initiative
The Pitt Prison Education Project puts undergraduates in the classroom with inmates — not as teachers or assistants, but as fellow students taking the same college course.
Dance Competition Benefits Free Clinic
Dhirana, a dance competition fundraiser founded by Pitt students in 2012, recently raised $10,000 for the Birmingham Free Clinic, which helps community members access health care.
A new issue of student-run publication The Pitt Pulse is live
Find pieces about medical care for prison inmates, flu vaccines, what brain scientists have to say about the 2016 election and more.
New National Guidelines Aim to Combat Fatigue in Emergency, Shift Workers
After reviewing thousands of studies of shift and emergency workers, Pitt researchers developed five guidelines to help combat fatigue, including limiting shift duration, providing caffeine and
New Research: For a Head Start on Cognitive Recovery After Stroke, Get Moving, Anytime
Much of the neural repair occurs during the first three months following a stroke. But, exercise may benefit patients' brains, no matter how much time has passed, Pitt researchers say.
David Beck was named an American Academy of Physician Assistants Distinguished Fellow
The honor is bestowed upon an elite group of less than 1% of practicing PAs.
2 Pitt teams will compete in the Rice Business Plan Competition
Both teams have been honing their entrepreneurial skills through Innovation Institute programs.
Pitt Names New Dean of Dental Medicine
Bernard J. Costello, professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery, has been named dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, effective April 1. Costello has been serving as interim
Pitt Med students celebrate Match Day
Ten students matched in orthopaedics and nine matched in psychiatry, the highest ever for those specialties.
Deane Root received a Society of American Music Lifetime Achievement Award
The Pitt Department of Music chair was lauded for his wide-ranging contributions to the field.
17 Pitt students were awarded Personalized Education Grants
The awards fund engagement in tailored educational activities that reflect each student’s unique identities, experiences, interests, abilities and aspirations.
University of Pittsburgh Names New Dean for Swanson School of Engineering
James R. Martin II, professor and chair of the Department of Civil Engineering at Clemson University, has been named dean of the University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School of Engineering, effective Aug
School of Dental Medicine Celebrates Former Dean’s 50-year Legacy at Pitt
After 18 years as dean of the School of Dental Medicine and many more years at the University of Pittsburgh in various roles, Thomas W. Braun has retired. Braun spent his entire postsecondary
Savio Woo was honored as an Inaugural Fellow by the Orthopaedic Research Society
The distinguished professor emeritus received this honor in recognition of his outstanding service and significant contributions to the field of musculoskeletal research.
Pitt names new dean for School of Law
Amy J. Wildermuth, associate vice president for faculty and academic affairs at the University of Utah, has been named dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. She will begin her deanship
A GSPIA alumna was named a nonprofit leader in social work
Sharon L. McDaniel is the president and CEO of A Second Chance, Inc., a licensed foster care agency that meets the unique needs of kinship families in Allegheny and Philadelphia counties.
Researchers 'Speed Date' in Search of Expert Help to Take Ideas From Concept to Market
Starting a conversation on a blind date can be intimidating, and the same might be said for researchers looking for just the right expert to help them take their ideas from concept to reality.
Engineering Students Help to Improve Infrastructure in Panamanian Village
The Pitt Humanities, Engineering and Design Club is planning a June return to its work with the Emberá, an indigenous community in Panama’s Chagres National Park. On an October trip, the club
A robotic harvester team was picked to compete for the ACC InVenture Prize
The annual event pits one team of undergraduates from each Atlantic Coast Conference university in competition for $30,000 in prizes.
Pitt's 5000 Baum Project will accelerate cancer, transplant and immunotherapy innovations
The University is creating a research, entrepreneurship and innovation hub to nurture and speed the development of new ideas and breakthrough technologies. The results could reinvent how health care