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New Emergency Alert System, Companion Mobile App Aim to Increase Campus Safety

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to sign up for the University's new emergency alert system by logging in to their page and clicking on Emergency Notification under My Resources

Nutrition Alumnus Goes Wild for Foraging

Adam Haritan, a wild-food enthusiast and researcher, leads educational walks, offers presentations on topics such as Mushrooms of the Fall and sells his own handcrafted wild plant- and mushroom-based

  • Alumni

Modeling Particle Movements on Bees and Bacteria Could Lead to Robotics Advances

Engineer Anna Balazs has modeled behavior in nonliving particles which could lead to advancements in the construction of robots from highly flexible materials similar to those found in living

  • Innovation and Research

Departing Innovation Institute Director to Maintain Ties as Adviser, Faculty Member

After 13 years at Pitt, Marc Malandro is heading to Palo Alto, California, to join the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) as vice president of operations for CZI Science. But he's not leaving Pitt

  • Innovation Institute
  • Innovation and Research

Events Listing

Check out what’s happening at Pitt this week and beyond, including music performances and art exhibits, academic seminars and skills training sessions, festivals and open houses and much more.

Community Partnership Focuses on Chronic Absenteeism Among Public School Students

Missing as few as two days of school per month can negatively affect a student’s academic performance, so Pitt and United Way are teaming up to help middle and high school students not miss class.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dining services expands sustainable practices, selection of world cuisines and vegan dishes

From locally sourced meat to increased Farmers Market hours and gluten-free options — Pitt's Dining Services has something tasty for everyone. Plus, get the answers to frequently asked questions about

  • University News
  • Our City/Our Campus
  • Sustainability
  • Students
  • Pittsburgh Campus

New academic opportunities prepare students to flourish in evolving career landscapes

A new school, new degree programs, new majors and opportunities for novel research open up to students as Pitt continues to anticipate the needs of an evolving workforce.

  • University News
  • Teaching & Learning

Resources abound for campus newcomers

If the school year flies, the first week of the academic year is a whirlwind. For those new to campus, plugging in and finding basic services can be a challenge. Here's where to look.

  • Students
  • Pittsburgh Campus
  • Division of Student Affairs

Nutrition and Dietetics Program Offering Balanced Diet of Clinical Experiences

Tom Hritz, clinical nutrition manager for UPMC Mercy and Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC, has been welcoming students into the clinic with him for nearly 13 years.

Arrival Survival tips ease campus move-in

More than 7,000 students will be moving onto Pitt's campus Aug. 21-25. Two of Arrival Survival's coordinators share their insider tips on how to make the big move-in as smooth as possible.

  • Undergraduate students
  • Pittsburgh Campus
  • Pitt Arrival

Shadow Bandits Ready for Eclipse Day

Pitt’s Shadow Bandits, a research team of students, faculty and staff, will livestream the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse and conduct research — from 100,000 feet — as part of a nationwide NASA project.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Allegheny Observatory
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • Students

Hesselbein Leadership Forum Established in Partnership with Distinguished Alumna

The Graduate School of Public and International Affairs will be home to the forum, named for Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient and Pitt alumna Frances Hesselbein.

School of Medicine Alumnus Devotes Skills, Time to Treating People in Conflict Zones

As a volunteer with Doctors Without Borders, alumnus Brian D'Cruz has treated trauma patients in Chad, Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic. In 2013, he headed to Syria.

  • Alumni

Philosophy of Science Summer Program on Mission to Bring Diversity Into the Field

The inaugural Pittsburgh Summer Program of Pitt's Center for Philosophy of Science hosted 15 students from around the U.S. and Canada with the long-term goal of bringing more women and people from

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of History and Philosophy of Science
A group of students poses with their legs raised in the air

Roc-ettes have fun and gain real-world experience at Red Bull Flugtag event

With partly cloudy skies and an inconsistent tail wind, the Pitt team members gave their 24-foot aircraft a running shove off a platform on the Allegheny River. Find out how they did.

  • Students
  • Swanson School of Engineering

Computational Research Could Take the Guesswork Out of Creating New Metals

Creating new metals has long been a trial and error process, but Pitt engineering research could help to make producing everything from steel beams to solar cells more efficient and sustainable.

  • Innovation and Research

Legal News and Research Service Is Fast, Informed Spin on Traditional Law Journal

Since 1996, the student-powered publication JURIST has examined current events from a legal standpoint, distilling daily news into articles for the law community and beyond, 365 days a year.

Study of Specialized Weights Aims to Make Manual Wheelchair Users Stronger Faster

For wheelchair users, increased upper-body strength could improve their quality of life. A Pitt study is looking at whether vibrating weights could speed up the weight-training process.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology
Students run with their glider on a lawn

Student engineers will learn on the fly for the Red Bull 'Flugtag' contest in Pittsburgh

On Aug. 5, the "Roc-ettes" team of engineers will put their skills to the test at Red Bull Flugtag, a flying-machine competition.

  • Technology & Science
  • Our City/Our Campus
  • Swanson School of Engineering