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Campaign Donors Make Gifts of Impact, Aid United Way to ‘Do What They Do Best’

As Pitt kicks off its 14th United Way campaign, one Pitt staff member explains why she supports the campaign and gives to the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Social Work Dean Larry E. Davis' Contributions Leave the World a ‘Better, Fairer Place’

In his 17th year at the helm of Pitt’s School of Social Work, Dean Larry E. Davis announces he will step down at the end of the 2017-18 academic year, amid praise for his leadership and his dedication

  • Center on Race and Social Problems

Enigma: Pitt Public Health Researcher Worked to Pinpoint Culprit of Mysterious Illness in Brazil

When a mysterious illness emerged in his Brazilian hometown, Pitt Public Health's Ernesto T.A. Marques mobilized with colleagues to decode its unknowns.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Center for Vaccine Research

A new Pitt back pain study and drug take back efforts could lead to decreased opioid use

More than 40% of low back pain patients are prescribed opioids at some point. Associate Professor Mike Schneider and colleagues want to bring that number down.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Clinical and Translational Science Institute
  • Department of Physical Therapy
  • Department of Psychiatry

Alumna Earns CEO of the Year Honors

As chief operating officer for Allianz Africa, Delphine Maïdou (BUS ’96) has been credited with turning around the company’s reputation in South Africa. For her significant impact on the continent's

  • Alumni

Inaugural Goldman Prize Competition Seeks to Improve Education Through Innovation

Sponsored by alumni Richard and Renée Goldman, the competition awarded three teams a total of $30,000 for their innovative ideas to improve education.

  • Innovation Institute

Chinese Alumni Forge Global Connections

Increasingly, universities are looking to their alumni in China for help creating important international links, and for the University of Pittsburgh, that effort is being bolstered by one key

  • Asian Studies Center
  • Alumni

Engineering Program Helps People With Disabilities Advance Professional Development

Pitt's Advancing Inclusive Manufacturing program helps college students with conditions such as paraplegia, epilepsy and autism transition to careers in machining and engineering.

Studies Suggest Dental Formations Serve as Disease Indicators

Alexandre Vieira of the Pitt School of Dental Medicine is researching ways that abnormalities in dental development can act as indicators that people may carry genetic risks for ailments such as

  • Innovation and Research

Wrestling Dental Student Visits ‘Parts Unknown’

Britt Baker has won several wrestling championships. But this spring, she expects to claim an even bigger title: doctor of dental medicine. See her interview on "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" as

  • Students
  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Chancellor's Message on the State Budget

University of Pittsburgh Chancellor Patrick Gallagher calls on Pitt community members to take a stand by letting their lawmakers know that Pennsylvania cannot afford to let our state-related

International Week Highlights Global Reach

The weeklong celebration includes dozens of events, workshops, musical performances, panel discussions, exhibitions and special guest speakers, focusing on the theme of displacement.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Science 2017 Highlights Art, Business, Technology and Science Speaking for Itself

The annual celebration of science and technology at the University of Pittsburgh is an opportunity for science professionals and aficionados alike to discover new research, network with colleagues and

  • Innovation and Research

Forever Youngish: Pitt's Aging Institute Translates Research to the Clinic

With new director Toren Finkel, Pitt's Aging Institute is expanding its approach to improving people's "health span" — the period of life during which a person remains free from serious illness.

  • Innovation and Research

Robotics Team Meets Mission Impossible

After besting all the other teams in the 2017 International Aerial Robotics Competition Mission 7, the Pitt Robotics and Automation Society sets about refining its approach in hopes of completing the

  • Students

Psychology Researcher Wants to Figure Out How Adults and Children Learn Math

Assistant professor of psychology Melissa Libertus has always loved math — and she's working to help more children and adults love it, too.

  • Innovation and Research
Chancellor Gallagher talks into a microphone during a panel

Pittsburgh's innovation ecosystem is key to next-generation technology leadership, according to a new report

The Brookings Institution reports that the University of Pittsburgh and neighboring entities form the core of a naturally occurring innovation district.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Our City/Our Campus
  • Human Engineering Research Lab (HERL)

Peer Mentoring Program Helps Students From China Adjust to College Life in Pittsburgh

The new program, called Pitt to You, connected Pittsburgh students with their future classmates during travels around China.

  • Students
  • Asian Studies Center

Residence Hall at Pitt–Bradford Named in Honor of Retiring President of Regional Campuses

Livingston Alexander created new opportunities for students and raised the region's profile as president of the Bradford and Titusville campuses. The Livingston Alexander House, Residence Hall is now

Cancer Research Program Receives $30 Million

The Henry L. Hillman Foundation has made a commitment of $3 million per year for 10 years for ongoing support of the Hillman Fellows for Innovative Cancer Research Program, where researchers cultivate