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Award-Winning Study of Veterans Finds Increased Risk for Unsafe Prescribing

Veterans prescribed medications through both the Veterans Affairs and Medicare had more than double the odds of exposure to potentially unsafe medication, a study from Pitt pharmacists has found — and

  • Innovation and Research
  • Department of Pharmacy and Therapeutics

Students Comb Pitt Archives for Credit

Uncovering stories from the medieval era to the recent past, undergraduate researchers followed their passions to dig deep into the University Library System archives. Their research adds new

  • Students
  • Department of History
  • Department of History of Art and Architecture

Manufacturing Assistance Center Connects Communities With Technical Skills, Careers

Recently relocated to Pittsburgh's Homewood neighborhood, Pitt's Manufacturing Assistance Center offers classes, programs and workshops in precision manufacturing, providing skills needed to work in a

  • Manufacturing Assistance Center
  • Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

University of Pittsburgh Announces Commencement Speakers for 2018

On April 26, attorney David C. Frederick (A&S ’83) will speak at the graduate commencement ceremony, and on April 29, City of Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto (GSPIA ’11) will speak at the

  • Department of Political Science

Cardiologist's Creation Aims to Reduce Radiation Exposure From Stress Tests

Cardiologist Maliha Zahid aims to reduce the amount of radiation that patients are exposed to when undergoing diagnostic imaging. Her creation, to be used during cardiac stress tests, was a Pitt

  • Innovation and Research
Cohen at a large computer screen

Researchers shed new light on the neuroscience of paying attention

New Pitt research advances the understanding of how two seemingly different brain processes related to attention are more similar than previously thought.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Department of Neuroscience
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences

Sustainability Week Events Showcase Dedication to Campus Green Initiatives

Sustainability Week festivities on campus, beginning Saturday, will bring awareness to how students, faculty, staff and neighbors can help to achieve Pitt’s sustainability goals.

  • Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation

Interim President Selected for Bradford, Titusville Regional Campuses

Currently Pitt’s vice provost for special projects, Lawrence Feick joined Pitt in 1982 and has most recently served as provost liaison to all four of Pitt’s regional campuses.

Personalized Education Plans Earn Support

An app matching students to tutors and a Netflix-like recommendation system to find mentors are among the projects funded by the Office of the Provost’s first Personalized Education Grants Program.

  • Center for Urban Education

Educators Team Up to Develop Flexible Curricula on Ethiopia for K-12 Students

Visits with artists, dancers and musicians and interviews with entrepreneurs and religious leaders helped teams of Pitt and Ethiopian educators create a set of lessons that teachers worldwide can use

  • Institute for International Studies in Education

Students’ Big Ideas Get a Boost With New Center, $2 Million Gift From Randall Family

At the 10th annual Randall Family Big Idea competition, 13 student teams were awarded a total of $100,000 for their inventions and innovations. A new Big Idea Center was also announced, set to open in

  • Students
  • Innovation Institute

These researchers are revising how Americans get healthy

Pitt's John M. Jakicic and Kirk I. Erickson are updating the nation’s physical activity guidelines. Among their suggestions: Even a burst of activity for less than 10 minutes can help deskbound

  • Innovation and Research
  • Health and Wellness
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • School of Education

Engineer Visits Recent Natural Disaster Sites for Insight on Infrastructure Improvements

Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on Puerto Rico, damaging much of its energy infrastructure. Pitt’s Alexis Kwasinski visited the island and other sites of natural disasters to find ways to update energy

  • Innovation and Research

Teaching Center Helps Students in Sicily Create 360-degree Tours of Archaeological Sites

What was once a standard research paper project during the Pitt in Sicily study abroad program has morphed into an immersive microdocumentary series created by students.

  • Department of Classics

Research on Blood Clots Could Lead to Better Bleeding Control on the Battlefield and Beyond

Platelets — the body’s internal Band-Aids — are sometimes too effective at stopping bleeding, causing potentially dangerous clots. Matthew D. Neal, assistant professor of surgery and critical care

  • Innovation and Research
  • Department of Surgery
  • Department of Critical Care Medicine

Undergraduates Learn Alongside Inmates in Pilot Year of Prison Education Initiative

The Pitt Prison Education Project puts undergraduates in the classroom with inmates — not as teachers or assistants, but as fellow students taking the same college course.

  • Department of Political Science
  • Department of History
  • Department of English
  • Department of Communication

New National Guidelines Aim to Combat Fatigue in Emergency, Shift Workers

After reviewing thousands of studies of shift and emergency workers, Pitt researchers developed five guidelines to help combat fatigue, including limiting shift duration, providing caffeine and

  • Innovation and Research
  • Department of Emergency Medicine

Dance Competition Benefits Free Clinic

Dhirana, a dance competition fundraiser founded by Pitt students in 2012, recently raised $10,000 for the Birmingham Free Clinic, which helps community members access health care.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Anthropology

New Research: For a Head Start on Cognitive Recovery After Stroke, Get Moving, Anytime

Much of the neural repair occurs during the first three months following a stroke. But, exercise may benefit patients' brains, no matter how much time has passed, Pitt researchers say.

  • Innovation and Research
  • Department of Psychology

Pitt Names New Dean of Dental Medicine

Bernard J. Costello, professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery, has been named dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, effective April 1. Costello has been serving as interim

  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery