Volume 34, no. 1 (Winter 1995)  
Zarraf, a Tuareg Women's Wedding Dance Susan Rasmussen
The Social Symbolism of Healing in Nepal Stacy Leigh Pigg
Marriage with the Proper Stranger: Arranged Marriage in Metropolitan Japan Kalman D. Applbaum
Potlatching and Political Organization Among the Northwest Coast Indians Kenneth D. Tollefson
Developing People and Plants: Life-Cycle and Agricultural Festivals in the Andes L. Nicole Bourque
Volume 34, no. 2 (Spring 1995)  
Introduction: Politics of Culture in the Pacific Islands Richard Feinberg
Americans in Paradise: Anthropologists, Custom, and Democracy in Postwar Micronesia Suzanne Falgout
Passion, Poetry, and Cultural Politics in the South Pacific Laura Zimmer-Tamakoshi
The Look of Rationality and the Bureaucratization of Consciousness in Papua New Guinea Wayne Fife
Making-Up the Toraja? The Appropriation of Tourism, Anthropology, and Museums for Politics in Upland Sulawesi, Indonesia Kathleen M. Adams
Volume 34, no. 3 (Summer 1995)  
Changing Constructions of Masculinity in a Sepik Society Karen Brison
Political Domination and the Absent Oppressor: Images of Europeans in Bumbita Arapesh Narratives Stephen C. Leavitt
The Cultural Politics of Co-Operation: An American Corporation and a Papua New Guinea Village Michael French Smith
Anthropology's New Cargo: Future Horizons Lamont Lindstrom
Geoffrey White
Dispossessing the Spirits: Christian Transformations of Desire and Ecology Among the Urapmin of Papua New Guinea Joel Robbins
Volume 34, no. 4 (Fall 1995)  
Make-Believe Play Among Huli Children: Performance, Myth, and Imagination Laurence R. Goldman
Michael Emmison
Tradition, Power, and Allegory: Constructions of the Past in Two Danish Religious Movements Andrew Buckser
The Cultural Effects of Conveyance Loss in Gravity-Fed Irrigation Systems David H. Price
Becoming Shakaijin: Working-Class Reproduction in Japan James E. Roberson
Women's Perceptions of Polygyny Among the Kaguru of Tanzania Dominique Meekers
Nadra Franklin
Permitted and Prohibited Wealth: Commodity-Possessing Spirits, Economic Morals, and the Goddess Mami Wata in West Africa Barbara Frank