Volume 27, no. 1 (January 1988)  
The Miao and Poison: Interactions on China's Frontier Norma Diamond
Some Contours of Social Class in a Southern Mexican Town Cynthia McVay
Evon Z. Vogt
The Varieties of Paraded Objects in Japanese Festivals Michael Ashkenazi
Pre-Hispanic Component of the Syncretic Cult of the Dea in Mesoamerica Hugo G. Nutini
Born to Die: Witchcraft and Infanticide in Bariba Culture Carolyn F. Sargent
Significance and Social Being in Ifugao Agricultural Production J. Peter Brosius
Volume 27, no. 2 (April 1988)  
Subject Honor and Object Shame: The Construction of Male Homosexuality and Stigma in Nicaragua Roger N. Lancaster
Toward a Theory of Marriage: The Economic Anthropology of Marriage Transactions Laurel Bossen
The Loss-Grief Connection in Susto Azula A. Houghton
Frederic J. Boersma
Studying Social Relations Cross-culturally H. Russell Bernard, et al.
Moral Economy, Political Economy, and the Culture of Entrepreneurship in Highland Nepal Barbara Parker
Dual Barrios and Social Class Development in Middle America Norman D. Thomas
Volume 27, no. 3 (July 1988)  
Equality and Hierarchy in Maritime Adaptation: The Importance of Flexibility in the Social Organization of a South Indian Fishing Caste Elisabeth Schoembucher
Women's Work and Infant Feeding: A Case from Rural Nepal Nancy E. Levine
The Dialects of Cheyenne Kinship: Variability and Change John H. Moore
Kwoma Death Payments and Alliance Theory Ross Bowden
Socio-Spatial Symbolism and the Logic of Rank on Two Polynesian Outliers Richard Feinberg
Order and Disorder in Toraja Thought and Ritual Jane C. Wellenkamp
Volume 27, no. 4 (October 1988)  
Women and Markets: A Problem in the Assessment of Sexual Inequality John J. Swetnam
Technological Change and Child Behavior among the !Kung Patricia Draper
Elizabeth Cashdan
Changes in Temne Polygyny Vernon R. Dorjahn
Menstruation: Attitudes and Experience of Indian South Africans Brian M. du Toit
Witchcraft Event Staging in Rural Tlaxcala: A Study in Inferred Deception John M. Roberts
Hugo G. Nutini