Volume 25, no. 1 (January 1986)  
The Illusion of Nath Agnation Aidan Southall
"Taim Bilong Sipak": Nasioi Alcohol Use, 1962-1978 Eugene Ogan
From Egalitarianism to Inequality: The Children of Peace in Nineteenth Century Ontario Matthew Cooper
Burning with the Fire of God: Calvinism and Community in a Scottish Fishing Village Jane H. Nadel
Can Individuals Recapitulate the Evolutionary Development of Color Lexicons? James Boster
Village Entrepreneurs: An Egyptian Case Lucie Wood Saunders
Sohair Mehenna
Volume 25, no. 2 (April 1986)  
Gender Roles and Social Change: A Mexican Case Study C. H. Browner
Food Classification in Three Pacific Societies: Fiji, Hawaii, and Tahiti Nancy J. Pollock
History, Structure, and Survival: A Comparison of the Yuki (Ukomno'm) and Tolowa (Hush) Indians of Northern California Russell Thornton
Court is an Arrow: Legal Pluralism in Papua New Guinea George D. Westermark
Cultural Customs that Influence Sexual Freedom in Adolescence Herbert Barry III
Alice Schlegel
Volume 25, no. 3 (July 1986)  
Prescriptive Patrilateral Parallel Cousin Marriage: The Perspective of the Bride's Father and Brothers Gideon M. Kressel
Maiyire: The Emergence and Development of a Sepik Culture-bound Syndrome Paul B. Roscoe
The Organization and Management of a Tokyo Shinto Shrine Festival C. Scott Littleton
"The Water of Life": Kava Ritual and the Logic of Sacrifice James W. Turner
Hierarchy, Equality, and Availability of Land Resources: An Example from Two Ethiopian Ensete Producers John Hamer
Volume 25, no. 4 (October 1986)  
Sibling Terminology and Information Theory: An Hypothesis Concerning the Growth of Folk Taxonomy Edward J. Hedican
Residential Group Types, Virilocality, and Migration: The Pingelap Case David Damas
Shared Experience and Magical Death: Chipewyan Explanations of a Prophet's Decline Henry S. Sharp
Market Economy and Changing Sex-Roles on a Polynesian Atoll Richard Feinberg
The Social Contexts of Apology in Dispute Settlement: A Cross-cultural Study Letitia Hickson