Volume 12, no. 1 (January 1973)  
Political Change in Tahiti and Samoa: An Exercise in Experimental Anthropology F. Allan Hanson
The Shamanism of the Ainu of the Northwest Coast of Southern Sakhalin Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney
Teknonymy and Geononymy in Korean Kinship Terminology Kwang-Kyu Lee
Youngsook Kim Harvey
Totems to Tombstones: Culture Change as Viewed through the Haida Mortuary Complex, 1877-1971 Margaret B. Blackman
Cultivation Intensity, Settlement Patterns, and Homestead Forms among the Matengo of Tanzania Harry W. Basehart
New Patrons for Old: Changing Patron-Client Relationships in the Bolivian Yungas Dwight B. Heath
Volume 12, no. 2 (April 1973)  
Gods and Politics in Zinacantan and Chamula Evon Z. Vogt
Native Pastoralism in the South Andes Steven Webster
Kinship and Mobility on the Argentine Pampa Alison M. MacEwen
Marriage and Sexual Adjustment in Guajiro Society Lawrence C. Watson
Kindreds and Task Groups in Mandaya Social Organization Aram A. Yengoyan
Sorcery Death, Proximity, and the Perception of Out-Groups: The Tauna Awa of New Guinea David M. Hayano
The Future of Agriculture in a Spanish Pyrenean Village and the Decline of Communal Institutions M. R. Redclift
Factors in the Division of Labor by Sex: A Cross-cultural Analysis George P. Murdock
Caterina Provost
Volume 12, no. 3 (July 1973)  
Aggression and Hypoglycemia among the Qolla: A Study in Psychobiological Anthropology Ralph Bolton
Chinese Tale-Telling Tombs Burton Pasternak
Paired Polarity Relations in the Formal Analysis of a Turkish Kinship Terminology Ronald W. Casson
The Political Context of Brahui Sedentarization Nina Swidler
Witchcraft among the Mohave Indians Kenneth M. Stewart
Carnival on the Island of Pantelleria: Ritualized Community Solidarity in an Atomistic Society Anthony H. Galt
Social Stratification in the Republic of Ireland: The Horizontal and the Vertical Mosaid Gordon F. Streib
The Search for a GuardianSpirit: A Process of Empowerment in Simpler Societies Guy E. Swanson
Volume 12, no. 4 (October 1973)  
Measurement of Cultural Complexity George P. Murdock
Caterina Provost
A Comparative Study of Work Groups in an Eastern Canadian Peasant Fishing Community: Bilateral Kinship and Adaptive Processes Yvan Breton
The Oaxacan Village President as Political Middleman Philip A. Dennis
Awa Kinship Terminology and Its Use Richard Loving
Kutchin Quarrelling Clifford Boram
The Adolescent Socialization of the Hopi Girl Alice Schlegel
Nahuat Factionalism Henry Torres Trueba