Volume 5, no. 1 (January 1966)  
Proto-Indo-European Kinship Paul Friedrich
The Reflection of Coresidence in Mareno Kinship Terminology A. Richard Diebold, Jr.
Resource Distribution and Social Structure in Tahiti Ben Finney
Navajo Inheritance Patterns: Random or Regular? Mary Shepardson
Blodwen Hammond
Cross-cultural Sampling George Peter Murdock
Ethnographic Atlas The Editors
Volume 5, no. 2 (April 1966)  
Kerala and Madras: A Comparative Study of Ecology and Social Structure Joan P. Mencher
Factionalism at Santa Clara Pueblo Edward P. Dozier
Sex Roles and Economic Change in Africa Robert A. LeVine
Toba Kin Terms Elmer S. Miller
Consulting a Diviner in Bunyoro: A Text J. H. M. Beattie
Ethnographic Atlas The Editors
Volume 5, no. 3 (July 1966)  
Bride-Price and Adoption in the Kinship Relations of the BGU of West Irian Koentjaraningrat
Tequistlatecan Kinship and Limitations on the Choice of Spouse Paul R. Turner
David L. Olmsted
The Hot-Cold Syndrome and Symbolic Balance in Mexican and Spanish-American Folk Medicine Richard L. Currier
Small-Scale Sugar Cane Farming in Barbados Jerome S. Handler
The Castas: Unilineal Kin Groups in Vicos, Peru Mario C. Vazquez
Allan R. Holmberg
Avoidance, Social Affiliation, and the Incest Taboo Dorrian Apple Sweetser
Ethnographic Atlas The Editors
Volume 5, no. 4 (October 1966)  
From Extensive to Intensive Shifting Cultivation: A Succession from New Guinea William C. Clarke
Kinship and Commerce in A Thai-Lue Village Michael Moerman
Generalized Cultures and Evolutionary Adaptability: A Comparison of Urban Efis and Ibo in Nigeria Richard N. Henderson
Spirit Possession and Its Socio-Psychological Implications among the Sidamo of Southwest Ethiopia John Hamer
Irene Hamer
Development and Specialization: A Case from the Bahamas William B. Rodgers
The Family Reunion Millicent R. Ayoub
Gossip, Drinking, and Social Control: Consensus and Communication in a Newfoundland Parish John F. Szwed
Ethnographic Atlas The Editors