What Is The Minority Health Network?


The Minority Health Network (MHNet) is a world wide web based information source for individuals interested in the health of minority groups. The authors of this homepage understand that the term "minority" typically is one used in the United States and lacking in many respects, but because of its widespread use and in order to facilitate identification of this web site, it will be preserved. Within the context of our homepage, "minority" will be used to refer to all people of color and people who are underrepresented economically and socially.


The Minority Health Network developed under the supervision of Dr. Ronald E. LaPorte and his work on the Global Health Network. It was established in order to better serve the needs of the populations described above, researchers, health care workers and individuals interested in minority health. This homepage was constructed by Emma JM Barinas-Mitchell and Pamela L Carter-Nolan, doctoral students in the Department of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

Pam Emma

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